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Media Azi Broadcast, 27th Edition: The Roadmap of the First Media Forum in Moldova Ignored by the Authorities

03 December 2016
767 reads
In the context of the second edition of the Media Forum of Moldova, held on 2nd and 3rd of December in Chisinau, the producer of the 27th edition of Media Azi broadcast, Nadine Gogu, the Executive Director of the Independent Journalism Centre, and her guest, Ludmila Andronic, member of the Press Council, attempt to find out why the authorities ignored most of the recommendations included last year in the Roadmap of the first edition of the Forum.
We remind that, at the previous edition of the Forum, the journalists recommended to the authorities, among other issues, to reduce the phenomenon of media concentration, to facilitate the access of the media to information and to eliminate the unfair competition from the advertising market. Moreover, those recommendations were not new by themselves, they were in line with the government’s commitments towards the mass-media, and their promises unfulfilled over the years.
Thus, what is the matter with the roadmap drawn up one year ago by the participants in the most important mass-media forum? How have the State institutions reacted, throughout the year 2016, to the problems of the press?
According to Ludmila Andronic, the respective document contained very important proposals and recommendations, but none of them was 100 percent implemented by the authorities.
Another question derives from this fact: Why does the governance of Moldova display such a lack of concern or apathy towards the destiny of the media?
Watch the broadcast to find out the protagonists’ answers to these and other questions.