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Media Azi: Career in Journalism – ‘Survival Guidelines’ for Beginners

03 September 2018
808 reads
The faculties of journalism continue to attract young people. What are the reasons for choosing this profession, and how does it happen that, after graduation, very few of them stay to work in the media realm? Journalist Ivan Sveatcenko discusses this topic with Natalia Sergheev, Radio Free Europe reporter.
Why does journalism prove to be a too hard touchstone for young people? Where can they deepen their knowledge constructed is the faculty? How do they resist the influence of political and economic factors? What ethical and deontological questions do they face in their everyday work?
To these and other questions you can find the answer in the show. To put it differently, find out what the participants in the show think about the training of Moldovan media consumers compared to other countries. And why is it so important for these consumers to have a critical thinking developed.


The show can be viewed on, and portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.
The Media Azi broadcast was produced by the Independent Journalism Center under the ‘Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova (MEDIA-M)’ Project, funded by USAID and implemented by Internews. The content of this edition is the responsibility of the Independent Journalism Center and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or of the US Government.