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Media Azi: How Does a Journalist Protect Himself/Herself during a Protest that Degenerates into Violence?

17 September 2018
576 reads
A number of journalists complained that they have been verbally or physically assaulted during some recent protests, by either the protesters or the bodyguards of certain politicians. What due diligence measures should journalists take to reflect such public events?

The subject is discussed during the Media Azi show by the moderator of this edition, Nicolae Negru, and his guest, Valeria Vitu, reporter at Radio France International.

Learn from the show how the journalist should prepare to avoid situations that could affect his/her physical integrity; what to do when someone plucks his/her microphone or camera from his/her hand; and, last but not least, what clothing is best to him/her when he/she goes to such events.

The show can be viewed on, and portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.

Media Azi show is produced within the MEDIA-M project, implemented by Internews with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The content of this edition is the responsibility of the Independent Journalism Center and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or of the US Government.