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Media Azi: IREX Index Finds a Dramatic Decrease in Journalistic Standards in Moldova

25 June 2019
757 reads
The Media Sustainability Index, published by IREX, found that Moldovan media has not yet become a business able to resist over time. This is because the advertising market is monopolised, media outlets do not have long-term business plans, the economic stability of the press depends directly on its political affiliation.

In Media Azi Show, media expert Aneta Gonta analyses the 5 main indicators of IREX Index, that led to a lower overall score of Moldovan media, compared to that of the previous year.

The most dramatic decrease is in the professional standards applied in Moldovan journalism. At the same time, the index reveals that many media managers are insufficiently prepared in order to manage the press as a sustainable business.


The show can be viewed on, and portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.
This show is made possible by the generous support of the American and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK Aid. The content is the responsibility of Independent Journalism Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Aid, USAID or the United States Government.