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Media Education Week in Moldova, edition of 2020

20 October 2020
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The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) launches the third edition of the Media Literacy Week in Moldova, which will take place on October 19-25, 2020. The initiative takes place in the context of the Global Media and Information Literacy Week, marked globally under the auspices UNESCO.
The events of the Week are organized with the help and involvement of teachers who give lessons in the optional subject Media Education or have participated in the corresponding IJC trainings. Students and teachers are encouraged to participate in school and extracurricular activities to promote media culture and critical consumption of information. Thus, during the Week, poster contests, photo exhibitions, debates or discussion workshops on topics of media education will be organized in schools throughout the country.
At the beginning of the Week, the IJC will present the totals of the four years of promotion and teaching of the Media Education course. Then, on October 21, 2020, we will meet the teachers of this subject in an online follow-up activity.
On October 22, the IJC will announce the results of the first stage of the contest “Media Education – a Priority in my School,” organized among pre-university education institutions throughout the country that teach Media Education. Twelve schools will be selected to carry out media education activities until the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, and three winning institutions will be awarded with an interactive whiteboard.
Also on October 22, students of the Technical University of Moldova are invited to an online media literacy workshop with journalist Diana Răileanu, titled “For healthy thinking, consume daily news from at least two media outlets.” This activity is organized as part of the EU project “Strategic Communication and Support for the Media in the Republic of Moldova.”
Also, in the context of Media Literacy Week, the IJC announced two competitions – a poster and photo contest on the topic “Me in the media world” for primary school students, and a video contest on the topic “Disinformation during the pandemic” for middle and high school students. Students can send the works for the contest until October 25, to
During these days, the IJC team will publish useful materials for media consumers of all ages on the Media Education platform. We invite you to follow the Facebook page of the Independent Journalism Center, join our initiatives, and share the “Think clearly!” message.
The Media Literacy Week is organized by the Independent Journalism Center as part of the “Strengthening of Media and Information Literacy in the Republic of Moldova” project, implemented by the IJC with the support of Deutsche Welle Akademie and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).