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More than 1,500 Pupils Benefit from Media Education Lessons during the 2018-2019 Academic Year

04 October 2018
2010 reads
One month after the academic year started, we achieved promising results for the media education. This year, a number of teachers and professors trained by IJC began the media education activities, and their involvement and enthusiasm prove that this course is necessary.
So far, more than 1,500 pupils from III-IV and VII-VIII grades study this subject, either as an optional lesson or during the master classes. A number of 45 teachers teach the Media Education in primary schools from 11 districts, Chisinau municipality and 2 towns on the left bank of Nistru River. As many as 20 teachers from 10 districts and Chisinau municipality chose to teach this optional course in secondary schools. All teachers and pupils involved in this process benefit from free textbooks provided by IJC. 

In parallel, the Independent Journalism Center continues to promote media education. The Media Education Week will take place between 22 and 28 October, and will involve the teachers and pupils from the schools where media education is taught. At the same time, between 26 and 28 October, we plan to conduct the first training program for the teachers teaching in Russian. After the training, teachers will receive free textbooks to teach the course for the III-IV grades.
The video below presents a retrospective of the media education activities conducted by IJC since 2014.