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The Show "Media Azi", IV edition: Once again about Manipulation and Propaganda

27 May 2016
1020 reads
This week's edition of the show "Media Azi" returns our attention to a subject which has recently found a permanent place in the politicians' agenda, civil society and international organizations. We talk about propaganda and manipulation, but especially about the way how journalists should deal with these two big challenges.
The show's moderator, Nadine Gogu, the director of Independent Journalism Centre (IJC) explains the concern for the subject because "a big part of the population of the Republic of Moldova, about 55 per cent, don't understand the meaning of the term manipulation and they don't even suspect that they might be the target of the propagandists, it doesn't matter where they come from, inside or outside the country".
The two show's guests - the media expert Viorica Zaharia and the high school boy Sergiu Popa bring convincing arguments that at present the mass-media from the Republic of Moldova loses more and more credibility and the media consumer has to diversify the sources of information and receive what the press writes with a certain amount of reluctance.

To the question what advice and suggestions she has for her journalist colleagues, for them to eventually ensure that they do their job professionally and will not be labelled as manipulators or propagandists, Viorica Zaharia recommended them... to read the Code of Ethics. " I am certain that half of the journalists that work in the media market from the Republic of Moldova haven't read the Code of Ethics", the expert stated.
She also advised the representatives of mass-media to show respect towards the information they communicate, towards truth and public. "Because the information that we write represents us, it forms a journalist's record of integrity in time. I am certain there will come times in the Republic of Moldova  when this record of integrity or everything we have written, will work for or against us. We will have sometime a healthy media market where journalists with problems of integrity and who once made compromises at the expense of truth will have problems when hiring",  Viorica Zaharia states in the show "Media Azi".
To the same question, referring to the young consumers of media, the high school boy Sergiu Popa comes with the following advice for his colleagues: "To inform themselves properly, to filter the information which they get, not to attract too much attention to the information from social networks because it is sometimes false and not to rely only on one source of information because it can also have its own interests and it can be not so well reflected for the consumers".
The show "Media Azi" can be seen on the sites IJC Media Azi, Mediacritica and You Tube.