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Summary: ICJ presents a map of media literacy lessons

16 June 2017
1983 reads
Within the period of 2014 - 2017, the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) organized 71 media literacy lesson providing training for 1989 pupils, students and teachers across the country. Within the framework of activities, the participants learned how the media functions, what is the role of the press in the society, what rules should be observed when writing a news story, how to distinguish fake news and how to avoid propaganda and manipulation in the press. Visits took place in schools, high schools, universities, and youth centres.

This map shows the localities where the IJC organized media literacy lessons.

The activities were moderated by journalists with extensive experience in the field of journalism and capacities to analyse the manipulation and propaganda phenomenon: Vasile Botnaru, Director of Radio Free Europe, Diana Raileanu and Liliana Barbarosie, journalists of Radio Free Europe, Nadine Gogu, Executive Director of the IJC, Viorica Zaharia, journalist of the portal, President of the Press Council, Petru Macovei, Executive Director of the Association of Independent Press.

In addition to discussions, participants also watched videos produced by the IJC: „Do you know what media do you consume?“; „On the news story in a way accessible for all“; „ABC of the Press. News story“ etc.

The purpose of media literacy lessons is to foster the critical thinking of young media consumers so that they can detect information of manipulative nature and diversify their sources of information.

The IJC also organizes media literacy camps - the first edition was held in 2015, and the second is scheduled for the current summer.

The IJC is the first media organization to launch media literacy projects in the Republic of Moldova.

The lessons were held with the financial support of the following organizations: Deutsche Welle Academy/financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, United States Embassy in Moldova, Civil Rights Defenders (Sweden), Soros Foundation-Moldova/Media Program.

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Adaptare: CJI