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Support an Idea! IJC Urges Media Consumers to Contribute with Donations for Three Journalism Projects

11 December 2019
936 reads
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) started a fundraising campaign for three teams of journalists who proposed topics of public interest, after having launched a contest a week ago, through which the ideas were collected.
Thus, the projects proposed by the journalists of Cu Sens, Studio L from Causeni and TezAur at Moldova 1 were selected.

The team ‘Cu Sens’ set out to conduct a video investigation in which they will present the ways in which the budgets allocated to the environment have been managed during the last five years, who are the real beneficial owners of this money, but also to what extent those who inefficiently manage public resources are held accountable.

Renata Lupacescu and her colleagues from the Studio-L TV channel in Causeni warn that the Causeni district is on the verge of an ecological catastrophe and the local authorities are not taking enough measures to prevent it. Thus, the journalist intends to create a detailed video material to inform the society about the risks of this situation.
Irina Ropot, the moderator of the TezAur show on Moldova 1, wants to present to the viewers endangered winter customs, unique Christmas traditions, a part of the national intangible cultural heritage. The ‘TezAur’ team will arrive in several villages of the Republic of Moldova to film unique carols, using drone filming as well.
Donations can be made at the Media Hub website, managed by IJC, under the ‘Support an idea!’ category, where the projects of the three teams are presented.
The IJC thus sets out to support journalists who have ideas of topics of public interest but have limited budgets.