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VIDEO // 2019: The Year of Intimidations, Aggression and Wiretaps for Moldovan Journalists

23 December 2019
750 reads
A video that capture the main moments experienced by the journalists from the Republic of Moldova was broadcast during the 25th edition of the Annual Press Club Gala, organized last week in Chisinau by Independent Journalism Center (IJC) and the Press Freedom Committee. These moments included intimidation, verbal aggression, political howlers to journalists' questions, such as: ‘Life is beautiful, good health to everyone’ and many others. 

The video begins with the restriction of access of the Jurnal TV’s camera crew to the Orhei City Hall, headed back then by Ilan Sor (being in international search now). The movie relates about the prohibition by the Democratic Party of TV8 journalists to participate in the events of this political party. Other public institutions also limited the access to information. An unexpected incident occurred at the Chisinau City Hall, where the journalists did not had access to the working meetings. There was a need for street protests for the interim mayor to review his decision.


2019: The Year of Intimidations, Aggression and Wiretaps for Moldovan Journalists. Video made by IJC.

Threats, verbal assaults and violent actions where a routine during 2019. The video spot shows the assault on the journalists from Jurnal TV at the Chisinau District Court, Buiucani office, by the judge Serghei Lazari, who addresses the cameraman in a threatening tone: ‘You won’t understand painlessly, will you?’. It continues with the verbal abuse of journalists by the Mayor of Drepcauti village, Briceni district, Ghenadie Ioxa. Also, the journalists from ‘Reporter de Garda’ (a Ziarul de Garda video project) are intimidated by the people providing security at the concert organised by ‘Sor’ Political Party.
But the most popular moments were the attacks on the media during the political events of June, when several reporters on duty were attacked at protests organized by the Democratic Party. The movie scenes speak for themselves: Pro TV reporter is treated with a high hand by one of bodyguards of Plahotniuc and was pulled away from his way. NewsMaker reporter Olga Gnatcova is prevented from filming. TV 8 reporter Sergiu Niculita and the cameraman are assaulted and a protester extinguished the cigarette on the TV 8 microphone sponge and damaged it. One of the bodyguards of Vlad Plahotniuc assaulted the Ziarul de Garda reporter and did not allow her to get closer to the politician. Ex-democrat MP, Cornel Dudnic, tears the backpack of the journalist Aliona Ciurca, making it impossible for her to ask questions. Reporters from,, and others are prevented to broadcast objective information about the events in the Republic of Moldova... 
The video also includes a sequence from a flashmob of the journalists, organized during a press conference of the MIA veterans on the events of June. As several journalists were attacked at the protests and police did not defend them, they went out the room and left on the table of organisers pens and sheets of paper that said ‘PROTEST’.

Also, in the movie is mentioned the recent file of wiretaps and the summon of journalists to the Prosecutor's Office on this case as witnesses.