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We Condemn Aggressive Behaviour of The People, Who Attacked The Press Photographer of Jurnal de Chisinau

22 June 2017
915 reads
Non-governmental media organizations classify the actions of aggression of a shop owner from Ciocana towards the press photographer of Jurnal de Chisinau, who had take a picture of a product, as inadmissible.

Thus, according to "Jurnal de Chisinau", the press photographer Nadejda Roscovanu entered a shop to buy some food, but after taking a picture of the expired product tag and living that place, she was overtaken and assaulted physically and verbally, being repeatedly hit by the shop owner and the shop assistant. The pictures were taken by the press photographer as well as by passersby.

We condemn the aggressive behaviour of the representatives of the trade unit involved in this incident. We solicit from the bodies of laws to investigate this case fast and to take measures provided by law against those, who attacked the press photographer Nadejda Roscovanu.

At the same time we call on the Agency for Consumer Protection to examine the facts and to act for protecting the citizens' rights.

We request from competent public authorities to regulate the activity of commercial and service delivering institutions and to supplementary inform the institution managers about the obligation of permitting the citizens, journalists inclusively, to monitor the products' and services' quality, explaining to them that restriction of citizens' right to verify the quality of some goods sold in public commerce institutions they constitutes an illegal act and that aggression of citizens, reporters inclusively, represent a criminal offence.

We clarify that, in conditions when civic journalism becomes more and more an integrated part of the media landscape and the practice of taking a picture by a consumer of a suspect product by different reasons- more and more common, using one's camera/phone lies within the bounds of a responsible civic behaviour for both: professional journalists and any person performing citizen journalism.

Independent Journalism Center
Association of Independent Press
Association of Electronic Press
Association of Independent TV Journalists
"Acces-Info" Centre
Centre for Journalistic Investigations
Committee for the Freedom of the Press