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A team of TV Journalists Assaulted and Denied Entry With Cameras Into The Dignity Town

28 October 2015
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The Publika TV shooting team was assaulted on Tuesday, October 27, by a group of protesters from the Dignity town, reports. One can see in the available video how the protesters forbid the journalists to enter the Dignity Town, claiming that they are not allowed to ‘cross the border’. reports that the protesters were aggressive, cursed and made offensive gestures while the journalists were trying to shoot a news report. Eventually, two police cars arrived to calm spirits.

In response to the inquiry by Moldova-Azi, Vasile Nastate, member of the DA Platform and of the Council of the Great National Assembly, said that he knew nothing about the incident. ‘We do not issue badges to our supporters. The DA Platform has an initiative group (group of founders) comprising 14, 15 members. If one of us assaults somebody, the DA Platform would be accountable for it.’

Nastase did not rule out that somebody from the Dignity Town could have had enough and therefore took action. He urged the Publika staff to contact the press center of the DA Platform in the future before starting reporting.