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Ingredients of Investigative Journalism: Time, Money and... Strong Nerves

22 May 2017
2237 reads

Journalists, particularly those who do investigations, have repeatedly stated that they are forced to wait a lot and even pay in order to obtain the information they need for a journalistic investigation. They request and analyze dozens of cadastral extracts, for some of which they pay. They send lots of e-mails, make phone calls, but do not always get the data they need.
Media Azi, together with RISE Moldova reporter Nicolae Cuschevici and freelance journalist Polina Cupcea, tried to recreate the route of one of their investigations in order to determine how long the process of collecting documents and writing the material took, as well as how much they paid in various institutions for the necessary information.
It should be clarified that the investigation “SHOR Holding / Real Estate Projects Drafted in Moscow”, published by on February 19, 2016, was selected randomly and, to some extent, any journalistic investigation goes through similar stages, until the final product reaches its consumer.
Here is the graphic presentation of the documents collection stage and of the costs in terms of time and money. As you can see, reporters analyzed dozens of extracts from the Cadastre and the State Registration Chamber, for which they had to pay. Also, they asked for extracts on some international companies and for opinions of people representing various institutions in the country and abroad, and sometimes their requests were rejected.
Overall, the investigation “SHOR Holding / Real Estate Projects Drafted in Moscow” took 41 days, and financial expenses amounted to MDL 1,798. In addition, in 4 cases journalists were denied information.