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Student Press Status: a Brief Review

26 June 2017
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With a volume of up to 16 pages, A3 format, at most monthly appearances, prints of up to 2000 copies, distributed within universities, more PRs and modest editing teams - in most cases, university papers look like this. In this brief review, we tried to find out if their pages contain students’ problems and how young people imagine the university newspaper they would like to read.
„Medicus”, SUMPh

Larisa Bratco, Communications Specialist in the framework of Communication Service and Public Relations at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemitanu”  says that when working out the newspaper „Medicus”, the whole Public Relations team works: „Of course, for two months („Medicus” is edited with this periodicity) many events take place, which we reflect on the institution's website and on social networks, but the most important and up-to-date news appears in the newspaper. Our students do not really write. They came to learn medicine, not to write, but we ask their opinion when it is appropriate. Student problems are usually solved, not becoming a subject of news. But if it is a problem that affects a larger number of readers, then we come up with solutions in the pages of our newspaper. For example, the employment issue of resident doctors, a subject discussed in the national press some time ago, has also been presented in the pages of our newspaper. "
 „Mesager universitar”, TUM   

Marina Romanciuc, editor of „Mesager Universitar” newspaper, which appears at the Technical University since 1998, claims that TUM students like to write. The newspaper appears in eight and 16 pages, during the academic year. Marina says that, being a university newspaper here is reflected both the activity of teachers and students: “The September issue, for example, is dedicated to the process of elaboration of Bachelor’s papers. The best graduates from each faculty tell about how they worked on their Bachelor’s paper, what they found during the three, four years of research, etc. In fact, the Bachelor's paper is the main outcome during the years of study and it is good for the students to get serious from the start,” is the opinion of Marina Romanciuc.
According to her, future engineers like this newspaper: „You will find in the pages of our newspaper many articles signed by students, especially by those who are part of the European organization of young people interested in information technologies, BEST. They have a lot of activities, specialized competitions, inventions about which I write ...”

 „Curierul economic”, AESM 

The newspaper of the Academy of Economic Studies (AESM) is called „Curierul Economic” and was founded in 1999. As in other academic publications, there are several articles that glaze the image of the institution. Self-evidently, this is a product of the Public Relations Service. In the last issue I also read some materials signed by the students. Silvia Ciofu, a 2nd year student in Business Management and Administration, who signed a report from Gala of Laureates at National College of Commerce of AESM, says that she started writing after reading an ad about the recruitment of volunteer students wishing to Collaborate with the newspaper of AESM: “In high school, I was the best at wall newspapers, that's why I told myself to try,” Silvia remembers. She started with various Vox interviews realized among students: “How is it to live in a hostel?”, “What do you find or not find in the student canteen menu?” And she liked this occupation: “It's interesting. In addition, the collaboration with a newspaper, besides the scientific events we take part in, gives weight to any file presented at competitions such as “The Best Student” or “Merit Scholarship,” Silvia Ciofu tells us.

 „Universitatea”, MSU

Asked what she knows about the student newspaper of Moldova State University, the student Cristina Meriacre, who just finished her first academic year in journalism, tells us: “I know it appears monthly and has eight pages; it seems that editing and broadcasting is handled by one person ... It has also an online version. It is a newspaper that contains many artistic elements, sometimes even too many ...”.
And her colleague, Eugenia Rusu, adds: “Students are concerned about the issue of eating at the student canteen, of expensive prices at university kiosks - if we investigate these subjects, it would be an interesting material. But I do not know if the university newspaper would be the most appropriate source of information or debate on student issues, because now, we all are on the internet. On official Facebook page of the faculty or group, the information is more current and more interesting.”
 Liuba Lupasco