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Personal Data Protection through Depersonalization of Court Rulings again Topical

21 June 2017
1109 reads
After several journalists have criticized the depersonalization of court rulings, stating that such actions had the consequence of limiting access to the data of public interest, at the initiative of the Ministry of Justice, a working group was established. It elaborated a draft of amendments to the regulation on the publication of court rulings. Next week it will be subject of on-line public consultations.

Being contacted by Media Azi, Valentina Grigoris, deputy director of the Courts Administration Agency, noted that the working group met in several meetings, and while elaborating of the draft for amending the present regulation all recommendations and proposals received from non-governmental organizations and journalists were taken into consideration.  Valentina Grigoris informed us that „A draft for amendment of the present regulation has been prepared and is now coordinated with the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM). It is planned to publish the document for public consultations next week and within a few weeks the SCM will organize public debates on the provisions of the draft“.

As a reminder, in March this year, the court portals excluded the possibility to search for files by the names and surnames of the parties involved and the court rulings were depersonalized.

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