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The Ruling Party Returns the Draft Law on Combating Propaganda to the Parliament

06 December 2017
706 reads
The Democratic Party (DP) announced in a press release on November 6 that it decided to introduce on the Parliament’s agenda this week the draft law on restricting informative and analytical programs retransmitted by Moldovan broadcasters from countries that are not members of the EU, USA, or Canada, and from the countries that have not ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television. According to the DP, the goal of this initiative is to ensure the security of the information space and combat foreign propaganda.
DP deputy chairman and member of the Parliament Sergiu Sirbu confirmed for that the above-mentioned document is draft law no. 189, registered in the Parliament on June 13. The document was signed by a total of 31 MPs from the Democratic Party and the European People’s Party.

Sergei Cornetchi, senior adviser of the specialized parliamentary commission, told Media-azi that although initially the draft was not included in the agenda of the meeting of the Commission, it was additionally included by MPs. Sergei Cornetchi also pointed out that seven members voted for the project, two voted against it, and one MP from among those present abstained from voting. A total of eleven MPs are members of this commission, but only ten of them attended the meeting on Wednesday, Cornetchi said.

According to, socialist MPs Vlad Batrincea and Marina Radvan voted against the draft, and the liberal-democrat Maria Ciobanu abstained from voting.

Asked by the about the need for this draft law in the context of adoption of a new Broadcasting Code, media expert Ion Bunduchi said he finds such initiatives welcome, as the public is intoxicated every day: “Obviously, the new Code is necessary, with comprehensive provisions aimed at suppressing propaganda, and not only the propaganda that comes from abroad. However, the adoption of a new law takes time, while the public is intoxicated every day. In this sense, in my opinion, any initiatives aimed at our protection against manipulation are welcome,” said Ion Bunduchi.