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BCC Submitted the Regulation on Selecting the Television Audience Measurement for Public Consultations

14 February 2018
1619 reads
The Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) developed a draft Regulation on the Organisation and Conduct of the Tender for the Selection of a Company Measuring the Broadcasters’ Ratings. Media experts welcome this initiative and think that choosing a trustworthy measurer is absolutely necessary to establish fair relations between all players in the advertising market. 

According to the draft, the tender will be organised by a special committee consisting of 15 members – 5 of whom will be appointed by BCC, 5 – by broadcasters with the highest rating and 5 will represent adverting agencies, sales houses and advertisisers with the highest turnover. The tender committee will select a business operator that will be in charge of measuring media audience for five years. BCC will receive draft proposals until 1 March.
At the meeting held on 12 February this year, BCC Chairperson, Dragos Vicol, pointed out that the regulator is bound by the Broadcasting Code to draw up such a regulation. The law stipulates that ‘at least every five years, the company selected on the basis of a transparent tender shall measure the ratings under procedures and terms set up by a regulation approved by the Broadcasting Coordinating Council’.
The media expert, Ion Bunduchi, thinks that this regulation is a must. He intends to come up, subsequently, with several suggestions for improving the draft, both as regards the membership of the tender committee and the way of adopting decisions by vote in the committee.
‘What we all have to understand is that audience measurement is crucial for rooting good practices on media market (not bazaar like now) relationships. I will repeat what I said on other occasions: an audience measurement is the ‘second national bank’. The bank establishes exactly how much a dollar costs; the audience measurer – how much a GRP costs (rating points , meaning Gross Rating Points – GRP – AN). In other words, the measurer has to pass ‘verdicts’, recognised by all the stakeholders and, first of all, by the advertising provider (the one who pays for the ‘television goods’) and by the advertiser (the one who sales the ‘television goods’ to the audience). Here the responsibility for an appropriate regulation comes from’, declared Ion Bunduchi for
Note that a single company performing the television audience measurement operates currently in the Republic of Moldova – TV MR ML, official representative of AGB Nielsen Media Research Company.

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