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The BCC Approved the Regulation for the Selection of an Audience Measurement Company

09 October 2018
634 reads
On 9 October, the Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) approved unanimously the Regulation on the Organisation and Conduct of the Tender for the Selection of an Audience Measurement Company. Thus, the TV channels, advertising companies and other major advertising stakeholders will soon meet in a general meeting to start the process.

It is for the first time in the Republic of Moldova when the audience will be measured, on the basis of a special regulation, by a company selected to this purpose.
The Tender Committee, a collegial body made up of 15 members with the right to vote and two members without the right to vote, will select the company.
The Committee will be made up of: five representatives from five broadcasters that had the highest revenue from TV advertising in 2018 (half a year), except for election advertising revenue, five representatives of five advertising agencies that had the highest revenue from TV advertising, and the last five members will represent three local advertising clients who allocated the highest budget for advertising this year, plus two sales houses that earned the highest revenue from TV advertising. The team will be completed with those two members without the right to vote, appointed by the BCC as observers.

The data on broadcasters’ audience will be available to the members of the General Meeting for Measuring the Broadcasters’ Audience (GMMBA), which is made up of broadcasters, advertising agencies, sales houses and advertising clients.
BCC decided that the first GMMBA general meeting will take place on 15 October. During the same meeting, BCC members Veronica Cojocari and Artur Cozma were appointed as observers.

The BCC developed this document on the basis of the Broadcasting Code. The law states that the audience shall be measured at least every five years, according to the procedures and provisions of a Regulation approved by the BCC, by a company selected on the basis of a transparent tender.
The development of the document took into account a number of proposals from the civil society and market stakeholders.

Currently, there is a single company that measures the broadcasters’ audience in the Republic of Moldova – TV MR MDL, which is licensed by AGB Nielsen Media Research from Switzerland.