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“Listening” about media literacy, even if you cannot hear

25 May 2018
1069 reads
Internews has organized the first media literacy class for children with hearing loss.

Maria Cudlenco, one of the 16 Novateca librarians involved in MEDIA-M project, organized in May the first media literacy training session, with translation in sign language, for the children and young people of the boarding school for children with hearing loss in Cahul.

Coming along with a special traslator, she explained what is trustworthy information and what is manipulation, how to distinguish between the two and how to be more secure on the internet.

Note that all 16 Novateca librarians, trained in Media and Information Literacy by IREX Europe Moldova, organized within MEDIA-M project more than 200 training sessions all around the country in the period January-May 2018, and informed more than 4.000 people about techniques of propaganda and manipulation of information in the media, developed skills to rural population to disseminate and critically analyze information, so that people would differentiate between facts and opinions. MEDIA-M is a five-year program, launched by Internews with the financial support of USAID in 2017 in Moldova.