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“Media Azi” Broadcast, 30th Edition: The Protection of Personal Data versus the Access of Journalists to Information

27 January 2017
1104 reads
The Law on the protection of personal data from the perspective of the access to information and of the freedom of expression - this was the key-topic of the 30th edition of “Media Azi” broadcast. The discussion imposed itself in the context of the interrogation of the investigative journalist Mariana Rață by the Prosecutor’s office of Chişinău municipality, at the request of a former civil servant, after the publication of an investigation article that concerned the latter.
The producer of this edition of “Media Azi”, Nadine Gogu, and her guests, Nadejda Hriptievschi, programme director at the Legal Resources Centre and Sergiu Bozianu, deputy director of the Records and Control Directorate of the National Centre for the Protection of Personal Data, discussed a range of issues related to the citizens' right to privacy, as well as the right to information and freedom of expression.
What is the position of the National Centre for the Protection of Personal Data in relation with this case, what data shall be considered as “personal”, where can the journalists refer when the officials refused to provide them public interest data and what are the ways towards the improvement of the legal framework, so that the law does not set any obstacles for the journalists? Watch this week edition of “Media Azi” to find out the answer!

“Media Azi” broadcast is weekly produced by the Independent Journalism Center. It is intended to disclose the problems faced at present by the journalists of the domestic media and to identify solutions to hem. The broadcast may be viewed on the websites,  Media Azi and Mediacritica, as well as on the Youtube channel of the Independent Journalism centre. 

The broadcast was produced with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, provided by the means of the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.