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“Unfortunately, We Are Witnessing How the Media Is Turning Insipid or Even Becoming a Kickshaw”

05 May 2015
1045 reads
Corneliu RUSNAC, news editor, Radio Chisinau


In the last five years the journalism in Moldova has been undergoing deep changes, and they were not always for the better. On one hand, after 2009, that is after the Communists lost power, a bounty of new media appeared, especially TV stations and online news services. On the other hand, the quality of the news often leaves much to be desired.
Unfortunately, we are witnessing how the media is turning insipid or even becoming a kickshaw. It is more and more seldom that we see equidistant, properly prepared news that reflects all viewpoints, places the reported event in a certain context, so that the people of all walks of life in the audience – rather than only fellow journalists – understand the context in which the events take place.
Indeed, we are all in pursuit of audience and hits, but we should perhaps do it with more discretion and elegance. In the end, journalism is nothing more than providing information, and it needs to be accurate. It’s no more than that.


During the Press Freedom Days, Media Azi asked several media representatives what prevents Moldovan journalists from performing their job duties freely. For a week, we will use this space to publish their answers.