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“We Came Back to Where We Started – to Radio and Television Control Through Intermediaries”

24 May 2017
1664 reads
In the context of amendments to the Broadcasting Code, according to which an individual or a legal entity cannot hold more than two licenses in one administrative-territorial unit, “Media Azi” portal returns to the issue of media concentration. We asked journalists and experts to share their views on the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of modifying the law. How do you think, to what extent these amendments may reduce the phenomenon of concentration on the broadcasting market of Moldova?

Alexandru Dorogan, member of the Electronic Press Association:

What can I say; we voice our opinions, while some people keep quiet and act. Once, the owners of radios and televisions had several broadcasting licenses and outlets through intermediaries. Under the pressure of public opinion and recommendations of European institutions, the law was amended so as to expose the names of real owners. When the owners were disclosed, the concentration of ownership in broadcasting became obvious, and this situation again contradicted European standards. More discussions and public debates followed, with recommendations from Strasbourg and Brussels, and, again, the law was patched with another amendment on April 14, 2017.
In the context of the current Broadcasting Code, this amendment is just another insolent attempt to manipulate public opinion. You wanted de-monopolization in broadcasting – here you are; we are asked to reduce concentration of media ownership – we’ll do it! So what’s next? What opportunities and mechanisms does the Broadcasting Code provide us to transparently monitor implementation of the Law no. 218?
We find out that on May 12, 2017, the BCC accepted cession requests for broadcasters Canal 2 and Canal 3. Thus, in one month, two TV channels peacefully left the GMG media group. What kind of media tycoon is Mr. Plahotniuc, then? Or, maybe Mr. Crystal is just the holder of the broadcasting licenses for Canal 2 and Canal 3, while the beneficial owner is still Vlad Plahotniuc? It means that we came back to where we started, to radio and television control through intermediaries.
We made a circle, our vicious circle, from which we won’t break out unless the power gives up control of the media. And the power doesn’t give up.