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„Media Azi” Broadcast , 23rd Edition: Why Does The Government Want A Convenient Person at MIR Company?

27 October 2016
1178 reads
Recently, several non-governmental organizations working in the media sector protested against a Government decision, according to which Ion Terguta was dismissed from the position of director of the “MIR” Broadcasting Company. The signatories of the declaration qualified this step as a Government response to the journalist’s criticism of the current country leadership and his trenchant position towards issues important for Moldovan media.

About “MIR” Broadcasting Company and the Government’s interest in placing a convenient person to that position Nicolae Negru, author of the “Media Azi” edition this week, spoke with his guest, journalist Ion Terguta.

So, what were the Government’s reasons to discharge him from the position of director of “MIR” branch in Moldova? Is the Government’s decision of October 12 on the discharge and then appointment of another person valid? What does the company’s regulation stipulate for such cases?

Now you can see journalist Ion Terguta answering these and other questions and the conclusions that the brodcast’s protagonists reach in the end.
“Media Azi” show is produced by the Independent Journalism Center weekly. Through it, we intend to bring to the foreground the problems that local journalists face today and to identify solutions to them. The show can be watched on and Mediacritica portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.