The master class will be conducted in Russian and translated into Romanian. The expert is expected to share her/his expertise, highlighting her/his own experience and answering questions thereby providing insight into the tools and skills needed to detect manipulation and think critically.
The lesson plan is to be designed by the instructor and the class should include extensive pre-recorded video content and interactive assignments. In addition, users should have the possibility to ask questions and share their thoughts, while the instructors are expected to provide feedback to questions they find to be most helpful for all users. These responses should be recorded and shared for all users to view.
Target audience should include university and high school students, media professionals, bloggers, civic activists and so on.
- CV
- A general presentation of the applicant
- The plan of the master class
- The budget planned
Successful respondent(s) will be notified of selection within eight days following the deadline for submission of applications.
The deadline for application submission is January 22, 2018. Contact person: Cristina Mogildea, tel.: 022 213 652 or 022 227 539.
The online master class is provided by the Independent Journalism Center as partner in the “Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova” (MEDIA-M) project, funded by USAID and implemented by Internews.