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Contest of Journalistic Materials as part of the IJC Campaign “Media for Gender Balance”

28 April 2017
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The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) is launching a contest of journalistic materials on the theme of gender equality. The aim of the contest is to encourage journalists to find subjects and produce materials covering the theme of gender equality in a professional manner and in good faith, and to combat discriminatory attitudes to women and men in society.

Who can participate?
Any journalist who addresses issues of gender equality, from any media outlet in Moldova.

Terms of participation:
To enter the contest, journalists must write and publish materials on the theme announced in the period of April-August 2017. Materials should address various aspects/issues of gender equality and of combating stereotypes, and they should illustrate positive examples, success stories, etc. Materials from print and online media and from radio and television are accepted for the contest.

All those interested must send up to three materials for the contest, indicating the media outlet where they were published, including the date of publication, accompanied by the author’s CV.

Applications can be sent by e-mail to: or brought to the IJC headquarters at 53 Sciusev Street. Contact person: Rodica Catareu, project coordinator.

Deadline for submission of applications: August 31, 2017.

Designation of winners
Applications will be examined by a jury composed of journalists and experts in gender equality and human rights.

Criteria for assessment of materials:

  • Relevance of the issue addressed in the context of the theme announced for the contest;
  • Observance of professional ethics;
  • Extent/way of documentation in the process of work on materials;
  • Impact of the material on the issue addressed.
1st prize: EUR 500
2nd prize: EUR 300
3rd prize: EUR 200

The jury reserves the right to distribute awards depending on the quality of the materials received. Winners will be announced in September 2017.
The contest has been organized as part of the “Media for Gender Balance” campaign, which aims to promote positive models of equal involvement of women and men and to combat gender stereotypes through the media.

The “Media for Gender Balance” campaign is implemented by the Independent Journalism Center with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency through the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.