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Declaration of Media NGOs about the Incident at the Drochia Court with Journalist and Civic Activist Oleg Brega

12 June 2016
1557 reads
Media NGOs condemn abuses by representatives of the security service of the Drochia Court, who prevented journalist and civic activist Oleg Brega from attending a public trial.

On Friday, June 10, 2016, online media published a video in which the security guards of Drochia Court prohibited the journalist to film inside the court’s building and ordered him to sit on a chair until the court hearing started. Because the activist refused to do as ordered, he was taken by force out of the courthouse and physically abused. Later, he was informed that the court hearing ended, having not been allowed to attend it. (

The codes of judicial procedures establish that in all courts hearings are public, unless otherwise provided by law. Also, according to the Law on the Press (article 20), in order to perform professional duties, a journalist has the right to attend public hearings of courts at any level. We shall also remind that under the Contraventions Code of Moldova, offensive accosting of an individual in public places and other similar actions that violate moral norms, disturb public order and tranquility of individuals are qualified as acts of hooliganism and are punishable.

We ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) to investigate this case and to take adequate measures against the persons who abused their position in order to prevent a journalist to seek information about the case examined in court. We ask the MIA to inform the public about the measures taken against those who caused this incident and about the results of actions taken.

At the same time, we urge the media representatives to show decent behavior, not respond with labeling and verbal attacks to violation of their professional and civil rights, observing the provisions of the Moldovan Journalist’s Code of Ethics.
Independent Journalism Center
Association of Independent Press
Association of Electronic Press
Association of Independent TV Journalists