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29 November 2017
1515 reads
The National Center for Personal Data Protection (NCPDP) has drafted a law regulating the use of video devices. According to the document, the use of video devices (gadgets and/or programs for capturing images) from the category of drones, aerostats, or other technical and/or electronic devices will be forbidden in localities. However, the Center also provides for certain exceptions for the use of drones for journalistic purposes.
The project provides for four exceptions from the rule that prohibits filming with the help of drones:
1. For journalistic, artistic, cultural, or scientific purposes in case of public events, for example, concerts, protests, assemblies, panoramic views, etc.
2. For the purpose of protecting public order and/or investigating delinquent acts in case of serious, particularly serious, and exceptionally serious offences.
3. In case of emergency assistance.
4. For cartographic purposes, for technical inspection, and similar purposes, providing an adequate level of detail that does not breach the reasonable privacy of individuals.
In other cases of using video devices, it is specified that no one can forbid or prevent the media from processing personal data resulting from the use of video devices.
The draft law mentioned above is currently at the public consultation stage. The document has been drafted by the working group made of MPs and specialists from the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Information and Security Service, the General Prosecutor’s Office, and the Center for Personal Data Protection.