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First Mass-Media Forum in Republic of Moldova assembled today in Chisinau

27 October 2015
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27.10.2015 / About 150 journalists, publishers, media managers, and other representatives of media institutions are participating at the first Mass-Media Forum in Republic of Moldova, which starts off today at Palace of the Republic in Chisinau. The Forum will also be attended by representatives of state bodies, foreign embassies and representative offices, international foundations and organizations.

It is the first time that this Forum is organized in the country. The organizers are – Moldova Press Council in partnership with Association of Independent Press (API), Independent Journalism Center (IJC), Association of Electronic Press (APEL) and Young Journalist’s Center (CTJM). The participants will discuss the issues faced by Moldovan journalistic community at present, introduce possible solutions and develop the ”roadmap” for authorities with a view to create and consolidate a loyal competition climate and ensure the publishing independence of mass-media institutions. The experts from non-governmental organizations will deliver information about reforms in mass-media sector, the impact of concentration upon journalists’ independence and professionalism, sustainable solutions to ensure media pluralism. During Forum kick-off, the following officials will express their perspective on condition of Moldovan media: President of the Parliament Mr. Andrian Candu, Prime-Minister Mr. Valeriu Streleţ, Head of European Delegation to R. Moldova Mr. Pirkka Tapiola, and Head of Council of Europe Office in Moldova Mr. Jose Luis Herrero.

Following the opening session, a debate on public policies in mass-media is planned, with the participation of current Chairperson of Parliamentary commission for culture, education, research, youth, sport and mass-media Mr. Vladimir Hotineanu, and former chairpersons of the same commission - Mr. Chiril Lucinschi and Mrs. Corina Fusu, as well as Mr. Dinu Ciocan - Chairperson of Broadcasting Coordination Council, and Mr. Ion Bunduchi – Executive director of APEL. After the lunch, six workshops held by national experts will be developed on the most stringent topics for mass-media institutions: „Developing national audio-visual: factors to influence”, „Mass-media in Moldova, between information and manipulation”, „Media advertising market: regulations and competition”, ”Online media: views vs honest and accountable information”, ”Distribution of print press: problems and possible solutions” şi „Professional training of journalists in Republic of Moldova”.

On Wednesday, 28 October 2015 (the second day of Mass-Media Forum), three master-classes will be unfolded by foreign experts. Thus, Mr. Yuri Goligorsky, former editor-in-chief of BBC World Service, will inform the participants about indispensable elements of a good news service; Mrs. Tatiana Repkova, founder and director of global online network „Media Managers Club”, will hold a master-class on new business models in mass-media and possibility to acquire new sources of income, while Mr. Ştefan Voinea, general director of company „Media Sud” from Romania, will talk about monetizing information in the digital age, grounding on the experience of "Gazeta de Sud" publication from Craiova.
During the last session of Mass-Media Forum 2015, the conclusions of workshops will be presented; the Resolution and „Roadmap” for the authorities will be examined and adopted.

All events included in Mass-Media Forum 2015 Agenda will be broadcast live on Forum’s website

The development of Mass-Media Forum in Republic of Moldova is financed by Soros-Moldova Foundation’s Mass-Media Program and co-financed by Council of Europe and East Europe Foundation from the financial means provided by the Swedish Government and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

For additional information: (022) 22-09-96, 068893983, (Ion Mazur, Forum press officer)