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IJC Archive. Memories from the Time of Film Cameras

08 November 2019
505 reads
The first media organisation in the Republic of Moldova, the Independent Journalism Center (IJC), turns 25 this year.

The atmosphere in the media may not have changed as we wished during this quarter of the century, however the coloured or black and white films (we were not using digital cameras at that time) are living testimonies of a boundless enthusiasm and of a desire to bring the spirit of freedom in media. IJC kept this spirit until today being the binder that links several generations of journalists around essential values and standards.

One can deduce how did the media look like during those years by the placards that journalists wore at the Press Freedom Marches. For instance, in 1999: ‘No censorship!’, ‘No! to information control and manipulation’, ‘We want access to information!’, ‘No censorship from TVM!’, ‘We ask for protection of the local media!’, ‘NO to the biased media, YES to the Code of Ethics!’ – Does it sound familiar? The slogans are stil valid, though the media voice was not always in vain during these 25 years. Journalists are still looking for answers to the traditional question/exclamation marks on their Press Freedom Days shirts.

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Press Freedom Days


IJC Press Club

Journalists of the Year Awards Gala