The training programme was based on the curriculum Education for Media as well as the auxiliary for conducting this optional course and aproved by the Ministry of Education. The participants were involved in different interactive activities based on work sheets and the contents stipulated in the curriculum and in its auxiliary. Among the analyzed and discussed subjects there were: the history and functions of the media, newspapers for children as a source off information, children shows, the educational message of the film, new media and websites for children and, last but not least, health of the small consumer of the media.
Ina Grejdeanu, officer for Strategic Development at IJC, who was present at the training, has pointed out the major scope of trainings in the media field: „IJC implements projects for journalista, but, in what concerns journalism, we have understood that we should aim also towards the media consumers. We started with media education as early as 2010, when we have set the grounds for this concept. Since 2014 we went with lessons of media educations to the schools of our country and since then this activity is one of the priorities of IJC", mentioned Ina Grejdeanu.
Addressing her message to the training participants, one of the course's trainees, Loretta Handrabura, refereed to the role of teachers in the society: „It is a great effort that You do, as now you need to get involved into and implement this curriculum of Education for Media. The aim of the course is to develop the media culture and critical thinking. The change depends on You", underlined the expert.
Natalia Cristinoi, a teacher from Draganesti, Sangerei District, who was part of the first training group, considers that this course has reacehd its goal: "I took part at the proposed activities with great pleasure, I listened to with interest and appreciated the points of view of everyone. One of the biggest achievements of this course was the possibility to approach an extremely problematic subject in the Republic of Moldova – the MEDIA; to meet new people, interact and share opinions with them, ideas regarding the topic of the optional course for the primary stage of Education for Media".
The same opinion had Maria Duplava, a teacher from Cigarleni village, Ialoveni district, who represented the second group. As she says, "The contents, methodology, supporting materials were of great use. The trainers created conditions for change of experience".
The scope of the optional course Education for Media is to raise the degree of understanding and rational use of the media by pupils, to raise an informed and responsible citizen-consumer of media by forming the sociocultural competence of learning/understanding and appreciation of social values and norms transmitted by the media.
Teachers from the Orhei, Ialoveni, Anenii Noi, Basarabeasca, Stefan Voda, Briceni, Cimislia, Nisporeni, Cantemir, Soroca, Hancesti, Falesti, Sangerei, Draochia, Glodeni and Rezina districts, as well as those from the Chisinau and Balti municipalities participated in the training.
The training programmes was organized by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) within the "Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in Repubiic of Moldova" project, implemented by the IJC in the period of March to November 2017 with the support of Deutsche Welle Akademie and funded from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.