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The Market of Paid TV Services Increased in the First Six Months of the Year

12 September 2019
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According to the data provided by the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), an increase in the total volume of sales and subscribers was registered on the market of paid TV services (cable networks, IPTV) in the first semester of 2019.

Thus, compared to the same period of 2018, the volume of sales of paid TV services increased by MDL 3.8 million (5%), amounting to MDL 82.6 million, and the total number of subscribers increased by 10.2 thousand (3.1%) and reached 339.9 thousand.

According to the Agency, the increase in revenues from the sale of paid TV services was determined by the increase in sales made by the providers of IPTV networks. The volume of these sales amounted to MDL 43 million, by 13.6% higher than the same period last year. At the same time, the sales made by the cable network providers decreased by 3.2% and totalled MDL 39.5 million, and the revenues from the sale of services through MMDS technology decreased by 29.1% and totalled MDL to 52.4 thousand.

The increase in the total number of subscribers was possible due to the increase in the subscriber base of the operators of IPTV networks, which expanded by 7.6% and reached 171.2 thousand. At the same time, the number of subscribers to cable networks decreased by 1% and totalled 168.4 thousand, and the number of subscribers to MMDS technology decreased by 38.7% and totalled 280 subscribers.

According to data submitted until 30 June 2019 to ANRCETI by 81 active providers of paid TV services, 50.4% of the total number of subscribers used IPTV networks, 49.5% – cable TV networks, and 0.1% used MMDS technology. According to the same data, in the first half of the year the share of subscribers receiving the digital TV signal reached 66.6%, while the share of analog TV users was 33.4%.

According to ANRCETI estimates, in the first half of this year, the largest providers of paid TV services, in terms of turnover, had the following market shares: Moldtelecom – 35%, Sun Communications – 16.4%, TV BOX – 14.8%. The cumulative market share of the other providers was 33.8%.