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Media Azi Broadcast, 26th Edition: Who Restricts the Access of the Press to the Courts?

25 November 2016
2057 reads
The journalist Ivan Sveatcenco and his guest, the lawyer Pavel Midrigan, discussed in the 26th edition of Media Azi show about the regulations of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), which contained restrictive provisions concerning the mass-media participation in public meetings.

To be noted that the document was published in the Official Gazette last October and was toughly criticized by the civil society, being suspended by the CSM on 1st of November.

In this context, the protagonists of the show ask: why to adopt such regulations, if the hearings are public and any citizen, not just the journalists, have the right to attend them.

Besides it, given that the CSM regulations were suspended, not cancelled, what might be there further destiny?

Watch the broadcast to find out the opinion of a person from inside the judiciary about these Regulations – a former judge and prosecutor, now a lawyer; what arguments the broadcast’s guest brings in favour of journalist participation in hearings and why, in his opinion, the limitation of media access to the courtrooms would cause the diminution of the citizens’ trust in justice.

“Media  Azi” broadcast is a product of the Independent Journalism Centre (IJC) and may be viewed on Media Azi, Mediacritica, Moldova azi websites, and on IJC’s Youtube channel.