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"Media Azi", X show: Freedom of expression, between an offensive language and excessive regulations

07 July 2016
1011 reads
How is freedom of expression understood  in our society? The fact that some journalists, bloggers and participants at the discussions from forums afford to say anything without choosing the words, to offend, to swear someone, using licentious words, doesn't undermine or compromise in a way the freedom of expression? How do we act in the case when we are insulted in mass-media?And last but not least, what is the general state of freedom of expression in Moldova? Is there anything to be worried about or the things are normal? The journalist Nicolae Negru, as a moderator and his guest Olivia Pirtac, an expert in media legislation, give answers to these and other questions in the show "Media Azi".
Nicolae Negru reminds us that freedom of expression is the right of every citizen to say what he/she thinks, to express any opinion with the condition that it doesn't incite hatred, violence, discrimination according to some criteria.
According to Olivia Pirtac "through the freedom of expression you can challenge and you can shock, but you mustn't insult". The limit that we cannot go beyond is the civilized behaviour and the licentious words and insults don't belong to this behaviour. In this regard, legal framework can be applied which contains the article on insult, both in the law regarding the freedom of expression and the contraventional code.
Olivia Pirtac also says "that we cannot restrict everything through law. It is important to create a state of zero tolerance towards the offensive language in the public space, including the virtual one. " If we have super protective laws, the effect on the freedom of expression will be extremely negative " says the expert. In her opinion, the situation of freedom of expression in the Republic of Moldova is good due to the fact that we have the Law regarding the freedom of expression and have a rich jurisprudence at ECHR in this respect.
To the question if it isn't limitation of freedom of expression and some bills as for example the one which prohibits the so-called propaganda of homosexuality, registered not long ago in the parliament, Olivia Pirtac had the opinion that this bill "is part of the category of PR of a certain parliamentary group and is just a trial of rating growth". Olivia Pirtac believes that any regulation has to appear only then when the society faces a real problem, not an artificial one.