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Media Experts: Dodon’s Replies Are Disqualifying for A Person Who Aspires to Become President

11 November 2016
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Igor Dodon, candidate of the Party of Socialists (PSRM), had a “scandalous and gross” behavior that “violates constitutional provisions” at the debate on Pro TV, in which he participated on Thursday, November 10, together with Maia Sandu, candidate of the PAS party. It is the opinion of media expert Petru Macovei and lawyer Tatiana Puiu, who commended for Media Azi the reactions of the PSRM candidate to the questions of journalist Vasile Botnaru.

The director of Radio Free Europe in Chisinau asked several questions, which Igor Dodon seemed not to like. Instead of answering one of them, the PSRM candidate switched to offenses: “Stay there, drink your tea and keep it cool!” he said to the journalist.

Media expert Petru Macovei thus commented Dodon’s replies: “It is a scandalous and gross behavior, which perfectly characterizes this candidate. I guess that his eventual election as President will mean that all those who ‘don’t keep it cool’ will have to sit still in their seats and not express other opinions. It is disqualifying for a man who aspires to become the head of the state to communicate thus with a journalist, or even any other citizen.”

Lawyer Tatiana Puiu, expert in media law, added: “Even if journalists sometimes ask uncomfortable questions, it is regrettable that some candidates to presidency react in this manner. Every citizen, especially journalists, has the right to ask questions in order to find information of public interest from a first-hand source. The fact that some candidates react in this manner points to a behavior that violates constitutional provisions.”