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Media managers were trained on how to develop profitable businesses

30 November 2015
1560 reads
A group of television, radio and online media managers participated, in the period of November 19-21, in a training organized by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC). The training was led by international expert Tatiana Repkova, founder and director of the online global network “Media Managers Club” (Paris, France). A special guest of the event was Doru Petruti, director of IMAS Institute of Marketing and Surveys.
On the first day of the training, participants were familiarized with business and marketing strategies and with such notions as business performance indicators, market and audience analysis, etc. They also were taught to produce an efficient business plan.
On the second day, participants followed the development and transformation of mass media in recent years. According to expert Tatiana Repkova, the development of social networks and online media has changed traditional mass media and determined the appearance of a new way of producing editorial content.
In this context, Tatiana Repkova offered to online media managers instruments for testing the accessibility of their websites and types of searches and polls that they can do themselves and with minimum resources. IMAS director Doru Petruti also spoke to participants about polls and audience studies. He explained how a people meter (the device measuring TV audiences) works and how audience can be measured by using the Day-After Recall method.
On the third day, media managers analyzed various examples of organizational structures, learned about the main functions of management, staff motivation and the role of communication in a company.
The ten media managers also had the opportunity to participate in several practical exercises, where they tested their skills in management, persuasion and solving of problems that can appear in a media outlet. “We learned new approaches to unsolved problems; thus I will delegate responsibilities in my team and will not forget that the list of risks for the entire company can also include the names of unprepared managers,” TV Elita producer Angela Zaharova said. According to her, the training was a practical experience in which she learned how she can better control her time, obligations, how to evaluate the employees’ work and act depending on results in order to improve the quality of programs.
“For me, it was important to learn more about the organizational structure of a media outlet and about delegation of responsibilities. In the nearest time I will pay more attention to these aspects,” said Alexandru Lebedev, the administration of portal.
This training has been organized with the financial support of the United States Embassy.