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A New TV Station, TVN, to Appear in Balti City

24 April 2018
2119 reads
At the meeting of April 24, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) unanimously approved the broadcast license for the television station TVN, which will operate in the North of Moldova, in the city of Balti. The station is intended to air content of general interest.

According to the broadcast schedule, domestic production on the station will make 43% of all content, and the remaining content will be acquired from other producers. TVN will have its own informative and analytical programs, newscasts in Romanian and Russian, and a talk show daily. TVN representative Viorica Bugulean explained that the broadcaster aims to cover in its newscasts events from 11 districts from the North of Moldova. The station will also have entertainment programs and programs intended for children. Particularly, the station’s editorial office plans to collaborate on the production of such programs with “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theater from Balti City.

The BCC members asked about the feasibility of the project, about the editorial independence of the station, and about eventual political affiliation of its founder, and Viorica Bugulean said that the founder is an economic agent from Balti, who undertook to finance the work of TVN in the years to come. According to her, the station will not be politically affiliated, and some local economic agents have already shown an interest to support it.

The company NORD TV holds license rights on TVN. According to the State Registration Chamber, the founder of NORD TV is Eugeniu Muntean, who has a share of 100%, and the administrator of the company is Viorica Bugulean.

The company will employ a total of 30 persons.