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The Parliament approved in the first reading the draft law that allows the dismissal of members of the BC and other institutions

09 September 2021
818 reads
The Parliament voted in the first reading on the draft law concerning the manner of dismissal of the members of the Broadcasting Council (BC), the Competition Council and other state institutions. The initiative was supported by 55 MPs.

The draft law provides for granting to the Parliament the right to dismiss the members of the BC and other authorities in case their activities are deemed incompatible with their official obligations, prerogatives, or duties.

The head of the Parliamentary Commission on Legal Issues, Appointments and Immunities, Olesea Stamate, presented the respective report at the September 9 meeting of the Parliament, noting that the draft law was prepared in order to hold the targeted institutions accountable.

The opposition criticized the draft law. MP Petru Burduja from the faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists said at the meeting that “the real intention of this law is to remove uncomfortable people from the institutions you referred to and to appoint others who will be docile. How you are going to appoint them – I don’t know. But I do know that all kinds of speculations about cousins, concubines have been circulating in the media.”

Petru Burduja also spoke about possible spending of public money on those who might challenge in court the decisions regarding their revocation from office and might win the case.

Olesea Stamate replied that she understood his concern about setting a precedent. “Unfortunately, so far we have actually seen an extremely dangerous precedent being set, where the heads of some public institutions that are very important for our country, for its good functioning, fail to perform their duties properly, often to the detriment of the country and the interests of its citizens, while being paid from public money and not being subject to possible sanctions for improper performance of their official duties,” Olesea Stamate said.

Earlier, media experts criticized the MPs’ initiative, having told Media Azi that the government might thus change the composition of the Council in its favor.