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Press Freedom Index 2017: Moldova Lost Four Positions in the Ranking

26 April 2017
1096 reads
Moldova ranks 80 out of 180 in the Press Freedom Index 2017, released Wednesday, April 26, by Reporters Without Borders. Top positions have been taken by Norway, Sweden and Finland, while Turkmenistan, Eritrea and North Korea ranked the last. Thus, compared to 2016, our country lost four positions in the ranking.

The study found that the editorial policy of media outlets in Moldova is influenced by the political interests of the owners, and major challenges are “journalistic independence and transparency of media ownership.”

Romania is 46th in the ranking, having climbed three positions since last year; Ukraine is 102nd, and the Russian Federation – 148th.

The situation of the media in the world is in danger “more than ever”. Thus, out of the 180 countries, in 21 the situation is qualified as “very bad”, and in 51 – “bad”. In general, the level of press freedom in the world is decreasing, and the total number of countries where the indicator was “good” or “very good” decreased by 2.3%.

The Press Freedom Index 2017 can be found HERE.

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