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Press officers learned techniques of promotion and communication with media

22 September 2015
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Various aspects related to communication, visibility, and promotion were discussed in a two-day training (August 21-22) organized by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC). It was attended by 16 communicators and press officers from various institutions and NGOs. The organization of this event became possible due to the generous support of the American people, offered through the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

Participants in the training learned how to promote their products, services, and projects through media, what journalists expect from communicators, and what the advantages of collaboration with reporters are. They also had the opportunity to perform several practical tasks in order to understand what to do at every stage of a communication campaign and how to strategically plan communication activities in their organizations.

Furthermore, communicators found out about methods that can be used to establish sustainable collaborations and partnerships with journalists. They also discussed about the advantages of collaboration with media, especially the fact that communicators can use the press to obtain greater visibility for their organizations. In addition, participants in the training shared their own experience, such as projects and campaigns they realized as press officers, the feedback they had from the civil society, and their experience of collaboration with the media. In this context, trainer Vitalie Dogaru mentioned that it is important to establish relations with journalists and that these relations can be developed both through public events and through private meetings or discussions.

Also, several press releases were analyzed (their structure, headlines and leads) in order to understand how to write them and why some press releases are immediately published in the media while others are ignored. Special attention was given to the stages of planning and organization of a press conference, so as it brings more visibility to the institution.

Communicators were satisfied with the experience obtained at the training, promising to use the communication techniques and instruments learned here.

For participant Galina Sanduta, communicator for the Ministry of Health, this training was an update of her own knowledge of communication techniques. “I had the opportunity to discuss practical details with trainers, and their advice on overcoming some obstacles in the relations with journalists was very useful”, Galina Sanduta said.

Viorica Budu, communication officer for the Association for Creative Development, remarked that establishment of relations with the media and stages of planning and realization of a communication strategy were the most important topics for her.

According to the IJC, the third communication training will take place in September and it will be attended by 15 communicators representing the civil society.

The event was organized as part of the Advocacy Campaigns Aimed at Improving Transparency of Media Ownership, Access to Information and promotion of EU values and integration, implemented by the IJC, which is, in its turn, part of the Moldova Partnerships for Sustainable Civil Society project, implemented by FHI 360.

This event is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.