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Prime Minister Pavel Filip Believes Moldovan Media Need Support from Foreign Investors

28 March 2017
2101 reads
Prime Minister Pavel Filip believes that Moldovan media need foreign investors to develop and become a real fourth estate. These claims appear in an editorial he published Monday, March 27, on

The Moldovan official writes that successful implementation of reforms in the country can only be possible if investments are made into the media. At the same time, Pavel Filip argues that the press should become the fourth estate, and that the Moldovan media market should develop, including in terms of diversity. "Our international partners have noted that the voice of the media isn't strong enough in Moldova," finds Prime Minister Filip, who believes that the lack of resources has negative impact on the ability of journalists to better inform the public and to tell the truth.

At the same time, Pavel Filip states in his editorial that in his further official visits he will meet with representatives of European companies, with whom he will speak about the media market of Moldova, and he urges major media organizations in Europe and the United States to invest into Moldovan media. "The Government is determined to work with global media organizations to ensure that investments are beneficial for both sides," the Prime Minister says.

Among other things, Prime Minister referred to the new Broadcasting Code, which in his opinion will be drafted taking into account the expertise of the Council of Europe, as well as the new EU directives, currently debated in the European Parliament.

We shall point out that the draft new Broadcasting Code has been in the Parliament for over six years, being voted in the first reading in the summer of 2016, while examination in the second reading has not yet been included into the Parliament's agenda.

Last year, through Conclusions of the Council of the European Union on the Republic of Moldova, the attention of Moldovan authorities was drawn to the priority reforms they must implement in accordance with the Association Agreement. One of the 13 points of the Conclusions refers directly to the media: "12. The Council recalls that the freedom of the media is an equally fundamental element of democratic life. It urges the Government of the Republic of Moldova to improve the national legislation in order to limit the concentration of media ownership and guarantee pluralism."