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Public Opinion Barometer: Most of the Moldovans Are Watching PRIME TV or Staying on Facebook

05 December 2018
1041 reads
Television remains the main source of public information in the Republic of Moldova, according the Public Opinion Barometer (POB) of November 2018, published this week in Chisinau. Facebook, followed by Odnoklasniki, is the most popular online website.  The survey was commissioned by the Institute for Public Policy (IPP).
According to POB, television remains the main source of information for most citizens – 64.3% watch the TV daily, and for 70.7% this is the most important source of information. The Internet ranks second, used daily by 47.1% of respondents and indicated as the most important source of information by 40.7%.

Arcadie Barbarosie, Executive Director of the Institute for Public Policy, said the number of Internet users has grown significantly over the past 9 years – from about 22% in 2009 to about 60% in 2018. The number of people using the Internet has increased by around three times.
The radio ranks third in the top, with 22.5% daily listening, and for 18.9% of the respondents it’s the most important source of information. The print media and books remain the choice of a small number of citizens.
As far as the sources of information are concerned, TV is also the top one, ranking first as the most trustworthy source – 35.4%. The Internet ranks second – 19.8%.

About 45.7% of respondents said they had more confidence in the local media. As much as 42% trust the Russia media, 34.4% – the EU media, and 28.3% – the Romanian media.
According to the survey, the most popular TV broadcasters remain Prime TV, which is part of the media holding of Democratic Party leader Vladimir Plahotniuc, watched by 58.7% of respondents; public broadcaster Moldova 1 (35.3%), Jurnal TV (25.7%), RTR Moldova (24.6%) and the TV broadcaster of the socialist MP Corneliu Furculita – NTV Moldova (22.1%).
Note that Facebook (62.35%), Odnoklasniki (44.2%), (15.7%), (14%), and (11.7%) are the most popular online sources of information.
The poll was conducted by the Institute for Public Policy during 9 – 23 November this year on a sample of 1.115 people in 82 localities. The error margin is 3%.