Violeta Cojocaru accumulated the largest number of votes – seven members voted for her. Six members voted for Tatiana Munteanu and 5 – for Daniela Mitelea.
Violeta Cojocaru is a PhD in law and has been working in the field for 24 years. According to the SUM website, she is also the head of the International and European Law Department at the Faculty of Law. Cojocaru added that she had a certain experience in raising foreign funds, which could be her active contribution.
Tatiana Munteanu mentioned that she had almost 17 years of experience as associate professor at the Technical University, specialised in economics. Since 2007, she has been holding a PhD in technical sciences and provides accounting services. Munteanu says that all tax rules at Teleradio-Moldova Company should be reviewed, given that new legal provisions entered into force. At the same time, in the opinion of the new SB member, the institution’s potential should be harnessed and investments should be made in its staff in order to develop the company.
Daniela Mitelea is a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism, SUM. Since 2010, she has been working at the radio. She was director of the Radio Department at Pro Digital and radio entertainer at MuzUP and Muz FM. Mitelea mentioned that she had some experience in the field of online radio and that the product of Teleradio Moldova was not sufficiently accessible on the Internet and this segment could be developed.
The three members appointed by BC will join the five members appointed by the Parliament, years ago, in accordance with the old Broadcasting Code – Nicolae Spataru (chairperson of SB), Alexandru Vasilache, Larisa Calugaru, Marina Turcan and Veaceslav Vlad.
Note that the SB is made up of nine members, hence the BC will still have to appoint one more member to have full membership.
Writer Grigore Chiper and cultural manager Diana Dicusari also participated in the contest, but they accumulated three votes each – an insufficient number to approve the mandate.