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US Ambassador Concerned About the Situation of Moldovan Media

25 October 2013
926 reads

The concentration of mass-media in the hands of a small number of people and the lack of transparency regarding media ownership are the main issues for Moldovan media, according to US Ambassador William Moser. The diplomat spoke, during a conference at the School of Journalism of the State University in Chisinau, about access to information and media transparency.

William Moser stated the Embassy was very concerned about this problem. “From our point of view, people should know who owns this or that media outlet. Then people can understand where certain trends come from,” the Ambassador added.

He also pointed out the importance of guarding the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression. The ambassador said the media also has a part to play in this. "The USA views the freedom of expression as very important and any country must be careful when it comes to any type of restrictions in the media which break this fundamental right," Moser warned.

In his speech to the journalism students in Chisinau, the ambassador highlighted the role of the US as a defender of media freedom. At the same time, the ambassador encouraged journalists to report government abuse. "Don't be afraid to tell the truth about those in power," he told the youngsters.

In Moldova, the issue of the transparency of media ownership is insufficiently regulated by the law. Experts participating in the analysis of the Media Freedom Index in the Eastern Partnership noted there is a need for legislative changes, which should clearly define the notions of “owner” and “beneficiary” of a media outlet.

There would also need to be changes in the Audiovisual Code of the Republic of Moldova. Currently, the draft law developed by the Independent Journalism Center in this respect is under consideration at the Parliament.