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Vladimir Novosadiuc, General Director of Sputnik Moldova, Accused of Fraud and Money Laundering Through Ilan Sor’s Structures

17 September 2019
1519 reads
Vladimir Novosadiuc, Director of ‘Sputnik Moldova’ News Agency, was accused of fraud and money laundering in the ‘stolen billion’ case through Ilan Sor’s structures, according to the law enforcement bodies. The journalist informed Russian RIA Novosti about this.

Novosadiuc said that he pleaded not guilty during the hearings. He was released for 60 days with the obligation not to leave the country without notifying the law enforcement bodies.

The journalist mentioned for Ria Novosti that his phone was confiscated during the searches of his home.

Contacted by reporter, the spokesperson for the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, Catalina Bogonos, confirmed that searches were carried out and that Novosadiuc was not detained. ‘Since yesterday, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has carried out 21 searches at the homes of a number of individuals, including Mr. Novosadiuc, but arrested no one except for Tauber and Apostolova’, Bogonos said.

Emil Gaitur, spokesperson of the General Prosecutor’s Office, told that Vladimir Novosadiuc was accused.

Vladimir Novosadiuc and his wife Rita Tvik were members of the Social Bank Board, which belonged to Ilan Sor, who was accused by the law enforcement bodies of involvement in the stolen billion. The former were also shareholders of another bank of Sor – Unibank. Note that Rita Tvik owns 100% of the shares of the two Sor-affiliated TV channls – Orhei TV and Central Television.

Yesterday, the law enforcement bodies detained two MPs, representatives of ‘Sor’ Party – Marina Tauber and Reghina Apostolova. Like Novosadiuc, the two MPs are mentioned in the ‘Kroll 2’ Report. They were detained after being deprived of immunity at the request of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

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UPDATE: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Desir, has expressed his concerns regarding the investigation. Desir declared on Twitter that he expects more information on this case.

I am concerned about the investigation launched against the head of @sputnikmoldova, Vladimir Novosadiuc, who was detained and questioned by the law enforcement authorities of #Moldova today. Looking for more information about the circumstances of the case.  — OSCE media freedom (@OSCE_RFoM) September 17, 2019