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În Moldova

At a press conference on Monday, representatives of some broadcasting companies accused the StarNet company of...
На пресс-конференции, состоявшейся в понедельник, представители ряда компаний, предоставляющих услуги доступа к телевещанию,...

In their reports on the victims of the train crash that occurred last week near Moscow and resulted in six deaths, several TV channels showed...

В своих репортажах о жертвах железнодорожной аварии, происшедшей на прошлой неделе под Москвой и приведшей к смерти шести...
Magistraţii de la Curtea de Apel Chişinău au respins cererea celor 13 radiodifuzori, care au cerut anularea deciziei CCA...
Un proiect de lege ce vizează finanțarea jurnalismului de investigație a stârnit discuții în contradictoriu în România....
The Chisinau Court of Appeal rejected the application of the 13 broadcasters that asked for annulment of the Broadcasting...
Апелляционная палата Кишинэу отклонила иск 13-ти вещательных организаций, требовавших отменить решение КСТР о необходимости...
Directorul ziarului regional „Cuvântul” din Rezina, Tudor Iaşcenco, ales recent în funcţia de preşedinte al Asociaţiei Presei...
Tudor Iascenco, director of the regional newspaper Cuvantul from the town of Rezina, who has been recently elected...