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The Licensing Chamber (with 16 datasets), the State Tax Service (with 14 datasets), and the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure (with 12...

Mass-media in UTA Gagauz-Yeri and the Transnistrian region indicate the scant interest in the topic of socially vulnerable groups and minorities...

La început de februarie, CJI va lansa topul celor mai deschise instituții realizat  în baza unui raport de evaluare privind procesul de...

Camera de Licenţiere (cu 16 seturi de date), Serviciul Fiscal de Stat (cu 14 seturi de date), Ministerul Transporturilor şi Infrastructurii...

В начале февраля, ЦНЖ опубликует список самых открытых учреждений, составленный на основании доклада об оценке процесса открытия правительственных...

In early February, the IJC will publish the top of the most open institutions, produced on the basis of a report assessing the process of opening...

Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent (CJI) invită mass-media  la conferinţa de presă cu ocazia lansării topului celor mai deschise...

Mass-media din regiunile UTA Gagauz-Yeri şi cea transnistreană denotă un interes scăzut faţă de grupurile social-vulnerabile şi faţă de minorităţi...

Between the 24th and 26th of January, the students and graduates of Chisinau School of Advanced Journalism (CSAJ) participated in a Data...

С 24 по 26 января студенты и выпускники кишиневской Высшей школы журналистики (ВШЖ) участвовали в тренинге «Data Journalism Camp», где они освоили...