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The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) warned 17 radio stations on the failure to comply with linguistic heritage

17 March 2018
1035 reads
BCC has publicly warned, during the Wednesday, March 14  sitting, several radio stations for the failure to comply with provisions of the Broadcasting Code on the protection of the linguistic and cultural-national heritage. During the meeting, some of the monitored broadcasters confirmed that they cannot fully deal with the legislative requirements because of the specificity of the radio stations they manage. The BCC representatives followed up by suggesting to formulate these proposals in one single document and submit it to the Parliament.

Out of the 30 radio stations monitored by the BCC, only 11 fully comply with the broadcasting norms, regarding the need for the local product to represent at least eight hours from the daily broadcasting volume and to be exclusively (fully) broadcast between 06.00 - 24.00, respectively, six hours in prime-time and at least four hours in the state language. The other 19 stations meet the requirements of the law only partially.

The data of the report also revealed that several broadcasters do not observe the provisions of par. (3) of article 11 of the Broadcasting Code. "Broadcasters whose purpose is to obtain exclusive financial resources through distribution are not entitled to advertising, unless they comply with the provisions of paragraph (2)."

Respectively, for the found deviations, 17 radio stations were publicly warned, and "Radio Sport" and "Europa Plus Moldova" will be repeatedly monitored.

During the talks, Radio Zum representative from Chisinau, Andrei Jicol, drew the attention of the BCC members to the specificity of this radio station, which focuses on broadcasting hit content. "It's a bit complicated and in the future we're likely to face difficulties, because out of the 10 hours of prime time, 4 hours represent 50%. That would mean for us new talk shows in prime time or for each second song to be in Romanian. In Romania, we also have good songs, but the play list of a hit station ends practically in a month. And then we risk becoming repetitive”, explained Jicol, who thinks the law should provide better suitable conditions to radio stations operating in this format.

The BCC president, Dragos Vicol, suggested to the Radio Zum's representative to submit the necessary proposals to the legislature as a matter of urgency to succeed before the adoption of the new Broadcasting Code.