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The June Edition of the "Mass-media in Moldova" Magazine Has Appeared

29 June 2017
2051 reads
How does it come that some journalists become prisoners of political actors? What do the new media do: inform or misinform? How to make money in the online-press? - The answer to these and other questions you will find reading the edition of "Mass-media in Moldova" Magazine from June 2017. Among authors can be found media experts, scientists, professors, journalists and press managers.

Expert Ion Bundu examines in the Article "Local Mass-media: opportunity of real changes" the current state of the media legislation and the reasons of its inefficiency. The author refers to the declarative and ambiguous character of many legislative provisions, to the absence of clear mechanisms for the implementation of some legislative norms; to the insignificant role of the judiciary in the promotion and protection of democratic values, inclusively of the freedom of press, freedom of expression and access to information; to possibilities of political factor intervention in the mass-media activity, as well as to some faulty practices of legal provisions' application.

In the opinion of expert Aneta Gonta, author of the analytical article "Small Oases of the Independent Press Can Barely Stand Challenges", as well as ten years ago, the top problems and necessities of the local media are financial resources, centralization of mass-media, politics' influence, professional training.

The Experience category hosts an interview with journalist Mariana Rata, from Anticorupț, who candidated this year for the European Press Prize. Mariana reveales how she does researches before writing an investigation material, what is, usually, the reaction of authorities to such materials and why access to information is an acutely felt problem, especially by those who do journalistic investigations.

The President of the Press Council, Viorica Zaharia, writes the article "Blogs and posts on networks: between freedom of expression and abuse". Among others, the author notes: "Beyond political influence, there are numerous cases, maybe more often in electoral campaigns, when offensive texts and unverified information appear on blogs, which are later taken over by some editorial offices and transformed into news. This way the audience is misinformed and manipulated, and the people mentioned in those texts are denigrated". Find out from the material how can bloggers be made more accountable and why some of them are still implied in lawsuits with people whom they targeted in their articles.

Researcher Victor Gotisan brings into discussion the subject of professional ethics in the material "Journalists - captives of politicians?". "Journalists need to be aware of the fact, that deontological principles - as well as dignity - are not sold. Owners (read politicians) of the media today are present, and tomorrow - are gone; they - journalists - will need to continue their activity and will need credibility", the author of the article says.

The "Mass-media in Moldova" Magazine is a publication of the Independent Journalism Center and is issued twice a year, in June and December.

The edition from June 2017 of the "Mass-media in Moldova" Magazine was published with financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency through the Swedish Embassy to Chisinau.