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TRM’s Supervisory Board amended its operating regulations. The proposal to have meetings broadcast online was rejected

07 October 2021
277 reads
The Supervisory Board (SB) of the public company Teleradio-Moldova (TRM) has approved new amendments to its Regulation on the organization and functioning. The proposal of one of its members to have the meetings of the SB broadcast live was not supported by the other colleagues.

At the meeting of September 30, the SB members approved all amendments that had obtained the necessary number of votes at previous discussions on the document. The proposal of SB member Larisa Călugăru to have meetings broadcast live on the company’s website and on Facebook, and audio and video recordings to be published on TRM’s official website immediately after the last interview, did not obtain the necessary votes at a previous meeting, on September 24. Larisa Călugăru and Alexandr Verșinin were the only ones who voted for it.

According to the minutes of the meeting, “SB members find that SB meetings are conducted in compliance with all the principles set out in the Code of Audiovisual Media Services.” “Most meetings are public, while announcements of the agenda, place, and link to the meeting are published in due time on the company’s website,” the document says.

According to them, if meetings are to be recorded and published on the website, “it is necessary to identify the persons responsible,” while the technical possibilities of the SB do not allow this.