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A Working Group is to Adjust Media Legislation to European Standards

31 March 2017
551 reads
The Parliament will create a working group in order to adjust the national media legislation, informs the Department of Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament on the institution’s website, referring to an announcement made by speaker Adrian Candu. 

“This April, a working group will be created in order to adjust the national media legislation to European standards, which will primarily focus on the development of a new Broadcasting Code,” says the Parliament’s press release, citing Andrian Candu: “The process of drafting media rules in accordance with European standards is supported by the Council of Europe, which will participate in the formulation of procedures and rules for the works of this group. The working group will include broadcasters, relevant public authorities (Broadcasting Coordinating Council, Ministry of Information Technology and Communications), and representatives of civil society who have experience in the audiovisual field.”

Interested persons may submit letters of delegation to the Parliament at, until April 24 at 16:00, says the message.